English to Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 386
weight peso
weighty grave
weir diga
weird strano/a
welcome benvenuto/a
weld saldatura
welfare welfare
well bene
welsh gallese
welt tramezza
west ovest
westerly dell'ovest
western dell'ovest
westward verso ovest
wet bagnato-a
wetland terre paludose
whack colpo
whale balena
wham botta
wharf pontile
what cosa
whatever qualsiasi
whatnot scansia
wheat grano
wheedle lusingare
wheel ruota
wheelbase interasse
wheelchair sedia a rotelle
wheeze sibilo
wheezy ansante
whelk buccino
whelm sommergere
whelp cagnolino
when quando
whence donde

Word of the day:
seventeen · diciassette