Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 485
haberdashery merceria
habit abitudine
habitant abitante
habitat habitat
habitual abituale
hackneyed trito/a e ritrito/a
hafnium afnio
haggard smunto/a
haggle mercanteggiare
hail grandine
hailstorm grandinata
hair capelli
haircut taglio di capelli
hairdo pettinatura
hairpin forcina
hairy peloso/a
hale sano/a
half metà
halfback centrocampista
halfway a metà strada
hall hall
hallelujah alleluja
hallow santificare
hallowed consacrato/a
halo alone
halogen alogeno/a
halt fermata more translation
halve dividere a metà
ham prosciutto
hamlet borgo
hammer martello
hammerhead pesce martello
hammock amaca
hamper cestino da picnic
hand mano

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just · soltanto

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