English to Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 485
heap mucchio
hear sentire
hearsay diceria
hearse carro funebre
heart cuore
heartbeat battito del cuore
heartbreak crepacuore
heartfelt cordiale
hearth focolare
hearty cordiale
heat calore
heater stufa
heath landa
heathen pagano/a
heaven cielo
heavy pesante more translation
heavyweight peso massimo
hectic febbrile
hector tiranneggiare
hedge siepe
hedgehog riccio
hedonism edonismo
hedonistic edonistico/a
heed attenzione
heel tacco more translation
hegemony egemonia
height altezza more translation
heighten ingrandire
heir erede
heiress ereditiera
helical elicoidale
helicopter elicottero
helium elio
helix elice
hell inferno

Word of the day:
seventeen · diciassette