Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 1804
Sabbath Sabbath
sabbatical sabbatico/a
sable zibellino
sabotage sabotaggio
sac sacco
sack sacco
sacrament sacramento
sacred sacro/a
sacrifice sacrificio
sacrificial sacrificale
sacrilege sacrilegio
sacrilegious sacrilego/a
sacrosanct sacrosanto/a
sad triste
sadden intristire
saddle sella
saddlebag bisaccia
sadism sadismo
sadist sadico/a
safari safari
safe sicuro/a
safeguard salvaguardia
safekeeping mantenere al sicuro
safety sicurezza
saffron zafferano
sag abbassamento
saga saga
sagacious sagace
sagacity sagacia
sage salvia
sagebrush artemisia tridentata
sago sagù
said detto
sail vela
sailboat barca a vela

Word of the day:
just · soltanto

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