Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 891
babble chiacchierare
babe bebè
baboon babbuino
baby bambino/a
babyhood infanzia
bachelor celibe
bacillus bacillo
back schiena
backbone spina dorsale
backdrop fondale
backgammon backgammon
background fondo more translation
backhand rovescio
backlash reazione violenta
backlog arretrato
backorder ordine arretrato
backpack zaino
backside posteriore
backspace backspace
backstage backstage
backstop ricevitore
backtrack ritornare sui propri passi
backup supporto
backward indietro
backwater acqua stagnante
backyard cortile
bacon bacon
bacterial batteriale
bacterium batterio
bad cattivo/a
badge distintivo
badminton badminton
bag borsa
bagatelle biliardino
baggage equipaggio

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just · soltanto

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