Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 57
yacht yacht
yachtsman velista
yak yak
yam patata dolce
yang yang
yank strattone
yap abbaio
yard cantiere
yardage lunghezza in iarde
yardstick metro
yarn filato
yarrow millefoglio
yaw straorzare
yawn sbadiglio
year anno
yearbook annuario
yearly annualmente
yearn desiderare
yeast lievito
yeasty a base di lievito
yell gridare
yellow giallo
yellowish giallognolo/a
yelp guaito
yen yen
yeoman yeoman
yesterday ieri
yesteryear il tempo che fu
yet ancora
yield rendimento
yin yin
yip guaire

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just · soltanto

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