English to Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 386
waybill lista dei passeggeri
waylay tendere un agguato a
wayside margine della strada
wayward ribelle
we noi
weak debole
weaken indebolire
weal piaga
wealth ricchezza
wealthy benestante
wean svezzare
weapon arma
weaponry armi
wear indossare
wearied stanco/a
wearisome fastidioso/a
weary stanco/a
weasel donnola
weather tempo
weatherproof impermeabile
weatherstrip impermeabilizzare
weave tessere
web web
wed sposare
wedding matrimonio
wedge cuneo
wedlock matrimonio
Wednesday mercoledì
wee piccolino/a
weed erbaccia
weedy sparuto/a
week settimana
weekday giorno feriale
weekend weekend
weigh pesare

Word of the day:
seventeen · diciassette