Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 1090
accompany accompagnare
accomplice complice
accomplish compiere
accord accordo
accordant concordante
according secondo
accordion fisarmonica
accost abbordare
account conto
accountant ragioniere/a
accounting contabilità
accredit accreditare
accretion concrezione
accrual accumulo
accrue provenire
accumulate accumulare
accuracy accuratezza
accurate accurato/a
accusation accusa
accusative accusativo
accuse accusare
accustom abituarsi
ace asso
acetate acetato
acetic acetico/a
acetone acetone
acetylene acetilene
ache dolore
achieve raggiungere
achievement riuscita
aching dolorante
achromatic acromatico/a
acid acido/a
acidic acido/a
acidulous acidulo/a

Word of the day:
just · soltanto

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