Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 1090
abstruse astruso/a
absurd assurdo/a
abundant abbondante
abuse abusare
abusive abusivo/a
abut essere contiguo a
abysmal abissale
abyss abisso
academia accademia
academic accademico/a
academician accademico/a
academy accademia
acanthus acanto
accede accedere
accelerate accelerare
accelerometer accelerometro
accent accento
accentual accentuativo/a
accentuate accentuare
accept accettare
access accedere
accessible accessibile
accession ascesa
accessory accessorio
accident incidente
accidental accidentale
acclaim acclamare
acclamation acclamazione
acclimate acclimatare
acclimatize acclimatare
accolade onorificenza
accommodate alloggiare
accommodation alloggio more translation
accompaniment accompagnamento
accompanist accompagnante

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