English to Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 842
tempt tentare
temptation tentazione
temptress tentatrice
ten dieci
tenable sostenibile
tenacious tenace
tenacity tenacia
tenant inquilino/a
tend tendere
tendency tendenza
tender tenero/a
tenderfoot principiante
tenderloin filetto
tendon tendine
tenebrous tenebroso/a
tenement casa popolare
tenet principio
tenfold decuplo
tennis tennis
tenon tenone
tenor tenore
tense teso/a
tensile tensile
tension tensione
tensor tensore
tent tenda
tentacle tentacolo
tentative tentativo
tenth decimo/a
tenuous tenue
tenure docenza
tepid tiepido/a
terbium terbio
term termine
terminable terminabile

Word of the day:
submersible · sommergibile