English to Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 351 - 385 of 842
throne trono
throng folla
throttle acceleratore
through attraverso
throughout ovunque
throughput prestazione
throw tirare
throwback organismo regredito
thrum picchiettare
thrush mughetto
thrust spinta
thud tonfo
thug teppista
thulium tulio
thumb pollice
thumbnail unghia del pollice
thump botta
thunder tuono
thunderclap tuono
thunderous fragoroso/a
thunderstorm temporale
Thursday giovedì
thus così
thwack colpo
thwart opporsi a
thy tuo/a
thyme timo
thyroid tiroide
thyroxine tiroxina
tic tic
tick ticchettio
ticket biglietto
ticket booth biglietteria
tickle solletico
tickling solletico

Word of the day:
mainland · continente