English to Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 202
necromancer negromante
necropsy necroscopia
née nata
need aver bisogno
needle ago
needlepoint ricamo con l'ago
negate negare
neglect negligenza
negotiate negoziare
neighbor vicino/a
neodymium neodimio
neophyte neofita
neoprene neoprene
nephew nipote
neptunium nettunio
nerve nervo
nest nido
net rete
nether inferiore
network network
neurasthenic nevrastenico/a
neuritis nevrite
never mai
new nuovo/a
news notizie
newspaper quotidiano
next prossimo/a
nice carino/a
nichrome nichelcromo
nickname soprannome
niece nipote
night notte
night time notte
nightcap berretto da notte
nightdress vestito da sera

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