English to Italian Dictionary
English | Italian |
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 413 | |
livestock | bestiame |
livid | livido/a |
lizard | lucertola |
load | carico more translation |
loaf | pagnotta |
loam | terra grassa |
loamy | argilloso/a |
loan | credito more translation |
loath | riluttante |
loathe | detestare |
loathsome | ripugnante |
lob | lob |
lobby | lobby |
lobe | lobo |
lobster | aragosta |
lobule | lobulo |
local | locale |
locate | individuare more translation |
lock | blocco more translation |
locknut | controdado |
lockout | serrata |
locksmith | fabbro |
lockup | garage |
locomotion | locomozione |
locomotive | locomotiva |
locomotor | locomotore |
locus | luogo geometrico |
locust | locusta |
lodestone | magnetite |
lodge | casetta more translation |
loft | loft |
lofty | alto/a |
log | tronco |
logarithm | logaritmo |
loge | palco |