English to Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 405
grammar grammatica
grammarian grammatico/a
grammatical grammaticale
grand grande
granddaughter nipote
grandeur grandezza
grandfather nonno
grandiloquent grandiloquente
grandiose grandioso/a
grandmother nonna
grandson nipote
grandstand tribuna
granite granito
grant sovvenzione
granular granulare
granulate granularsi
granule granulo
grape uva
grapefruit pompelmo
grapevine vite
graph grafico
graphic grafico/a
graphite graffito
grasp presa
grass erba
grassland prateria
grassy erboso/a
grater grattugia
gratitude gratitudine
gratuitous gratis
grave tomba
gravel ghiaia
graven inciso/a
gravestone lapide
graveyard cimitero

Word of the day:
seventeen · diciassette