English to Italian Dictionary

English Italian
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 666
effeminate effeminato
effete sterile
efficacious efficace
efficacy efficacia
efficient efficiente more translation
effluent effluente
effort sforzo
effusive effusivo/a
egalitarian egualitario/a
egg uovo
egghead testa d'uovo
eggplant melanzana
eggshell guscio d'uovo
ego ego
egocentric egocentrico/a
egotism egotismo
egotist egotista
egregious egregio
egress egresso
egret egretta
eigenvector autovettore
eight otto
eighteen diciotto
eighteenth diciottesimo/a
eightfold ottuplo
eighth ottavo/a
eightieth diciottesimo/a
eighty ottanta
einsteinium einstenio
either o
ejaculate eiaculare
eject emettere
ejector eiettore
eke far durare
elaborate elaborare

Word of the day:
submersible · sommergibile