English to Italian Dictionary
English | Italian |
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 1608 | |
catfish | pesce gatto |
catharsis | catarsi |
cathedral | cattedrale |
catheter | catetere |
cathode | catodo |
Catholic | cattolico/a |
cation | catione |
catkin | amento |
catlike | felino/a |
catnip | erba gatta |
catsup | ketchup |
cattail | tifa |
cattle | bestiame |
cattleman | mandriano |
caucus | caucus |
cauliflower | cavolfiore |
caulk | calafatura |
causal | causale |
cause | causa more translation |
caustic | caustico/a |
caution | cautela |
cautionary | ammonitore/trice |
cautious | cauto/a |
cavalcade | cavalcata |
cavalier | cavaliere |
cavalry | cavalleria |
cave | grotta more translation |
caveat | ammonimento |
caveman | cavernicolo |
cavern | caverna |
cavernous | cavernoso/a |
caviar | caviale |
cavil | cavillo |
cavort | fare capriole |
caw | gracchio |